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social media news 2017

Digital Buzz 2017 – Facebook To Solve More Mundane Tasks While Instagram Introduces Hands-Free Recording

It can be difficult to keep up with all of the technological advances happening in our world – there’s always so much going on! Today, we look at some of the latest developments and upcoming announcements for social media – including Instagram hands-free recording, and Facebook’s move to take over more of the internet’s functions…

Facebook To Solve More Mundane Tasks and Personalise Ads in 2017

According to Facebook’s Head of Advertising, Andrew Bosworth, people could – and should – be using their phones a lot more than they already are to solve everyday problems. Despite our already phone addicted society, Bosworth believes that Facebook could help people better solve their everyday mundane tasks in one spot – as opposed to just connecting with friends.

So what kind of things might Bosworth be referring to? According to AdWeek, examples could include being able to directly purchase food, buy tickets to events, or browse through online shopping stores – all from our Facebook phone app.

“I think 2017 is going to be a time to chip away at all these daily annoyances we all have that should be a lot easier,” Bosworth said.

While we’ve already seen Facebook begin integrating chatbots over the last year or so, it looks as though 2017 will be a bigger year for the social media giant as they begin to overtake more of the online ‘surfing’ space! Additionally, Bosworth revealed that they also plan to use artificial intelligence and customised media buying to make Facebook ads more personalised – a huge move that will help marketers better target those customers most interested in their product.

Instagram Roll Out More Filters & Announce Hands-Free Recording

Are they ‘borrowing’ ideas, or just plainly copying? Either way, people are loving Instagram’s ‘Snapchat-style’ filters, with the brand recently releasing new emoji stickers for their ‘stories’ – including location stickers. For businesses, adding a geotag style ‘location sticker’ to your story means that users can tap on the icon to find out more about that area.

Instagram's new location stickers

Instagram’s new location stickers. Source.

Instagram's new location stickers

Instagram’s new location stickers. Source.

In other news, Instagram have also released hands-free recording – which to be honest, really just means you no longer have to hold down the button the entire time you’re recording. Still, it’s a much needed functional update, and one that could see them finally outdo Snapchat Inc!