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Google Analytics & AdWords Conversion Tracking

In online advertising we frequently refer to ‘conversions’. Conversions occur when a click on your Ad directly leads to a valuable interaction on your site. As AdWords professionals, we use conversion coding that can be installed to track purchases, signups, and page views or lead generation.

Click Fraud Won’t Work On Google

Recently we’ve had a number of queries relating to whether competitors can continually click on a client’s advertisement in order to cause their account to exhaust its daily budget. This is called click fraud, a type of Internet crime that occurs exclusively in pay per click advertising.

Keyword Match Types.

What is a keyword match type and how can it affect my campaign? Simple question but the ramifications are enormous in the world of AdWords.  There are three different types of keyword matches:

Copywriting Successful Google Ads

When you are writing ads for Google AdWords campaigns it is easy to get caught up in writing generic ads that briefly describe your product or service. By doing this you are just becoming another one in the crowd, allowing users to brush over your ads and disregard them.

Weapon of Choice: Conversion Tracking

As Google AdWords professionals, Client Managers work through mountains of data to correctly and efficiently structure each campaign. One of the most beneficial ways to effectively target an AdWords Campaign is through the installation of conversion tracking.

Password Security & Strength

Put up your hands if you are guilty of writting down secure passwords and sticking them under the keyboard? ok put down your hands. Let me discuss some password tips to stop this bad practise.

The Low-Down on Keywords & Domains

Having your most prominent keyword in your domain ( for example) can be quite valuable in terms of SEO, but it’s not absolutely essential.

Perception: What Does Your Business Look Like to Your Consumers?

Perception is a very integral part of marketing.  What your customers think about, not just your product but your entire business offering, matters a great deal to your business success. This is even more prevalent in an online market place where there are limited opportunities to build any rapport or establish any kind of relationship
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Why you need quality SEO content on your website

Have you ever clicked on a search result and ended up on a page full of text that “wasn’t quite right”? Whether it was spelling mistakes, messy grammar, or paragraphs of random text that just didn’t make sense, this was likely cut-rate SEO content (text content with keyword density which is designed to help you
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The best and the worst CMS Systems

Most websites today are built around a CMS system. There are 2 major advantages for having your website built on one: 1)     Non-technical users can update content and edit the website 2)     Development and management of the website can become much easier If you are interested in either of these benefits, then choosing the right
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