Get More Traffic
SponsoredLinX offers a number of different services to help drive more qualified traffic to your website. Google Ads Management Search Engine Optimisation Microsoft Ads Facebook Advertising Google Ads Mobile“SponsoredLinX are a rarity in today’s market place, they promise a lot but deliver more. Our business has grown by over 400% in one month; we are amazed at the difference they have made.”
Convert More Leads
Our second step is making sure that your website is able to convert the traffic you receive into leads for your business. Optimising your website to convert more leads is important to a profitable campaign. Web Development Convertopages Do It For Me eCommerce“I just want to say thank you! The changes that you have applied in our AdWords campaign have definitely seen an improvement on click quality and sales for HippityHop.”
Retain Your Customers
As you build up a customer base you need to make sure to keep engaged and retain your relationship. Facebook Management LinX App“SponsoredLinX fully redesigned our main company website with a fresh, clean and professional look. The ‘Google friendly’ web design were part of the fantastic ongoing service we received.”
Cementing your Business in the Digital World
You would think by now, that in a digital age where toddlers grow up using Tablets and, being constantly connected, with everyone, all the time, would equal a digital presence from every business out there. The surprising and startling fact is that there are a large quantity of businesses which do not have an online existence at all, perhaps apart from their online listing in the yellow pages. If you’re reading this blog, I sincerely hope you are not one of them, but I’m positive there are actions you could be taking to cement your place in the digital world; am I right?
One area of concern in particular is that of Retail, and especially in the lead up to holiday season, are the number of businesses which solely rely on their bricks and mortar shopfronts. Regardless of whether your retail business does or doesn’t offer an online sales and transaction tool (which it should by the way) your online presence as a business is still crucial for the customer walking in through the front doors. You’ll see why in a minute.
Make It Count! Customer Satisfaction = Successful Strategy
Due to the bombardment people are constantly faced with via marketing and advertising, they are less inclined to trust brands. Rather, people will actively seek out reviews and the opinions of others, and will make judgements based on this information. With brands and companies all claiming to be ‘the best’ or ‘just what you’re looking
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Winning the Game – Keyword Bidding Strategies
Keyword Bidding Strategies do not follow one linear line. The tactics you can employ vary and you need to choose the strategies which will work best for your business. Something you need to keep in mind is that certain strategies might work best at particular times of the day, week, or year. Certain strategies will work with only particular keywords or campaigns. Then you need to make the decision in regards to which campaigns need to managed automatically or manually… it’s definitely not simple.
Never fear, that’s why we’re here!
Winning the Game – Dynamic Remarketing
Have you noticed that whilst you’re browsing the internet, there are ads which seem to follow you around from previous websites you have visited? This is a clever application called Remarketing, but that’s not what we’re here to talk about. This feature has experienced an improvement, and that is what we’re here to discuss, and thus Dynamic Remarketing was born.
Winning the Game – Call Forwarding Extension
Call Forwarding Extension is a new and exciting feature that some of you may not have heard of yet. This new component takes the process of Call Extension one step further, and it’s this addition which makes this a sensational new feature you should be tapping in to.
Winning the Game – Google Tag Manager
Modern online tracking tools depend on users adding ‘tags’ to their website so that they can track the data they need to make informed decisions. Google Tag Manager makes this process simpler… simple! Still need convincing?
The Sponno Guide for Ranking Higher on Google.
Over the past decade or so, SEO has become increasingly more important. Due to technical advancements with regards to devices like smartphones and tablets, the reach of internet browsing has dramatically extended. This has meant that search engine companies like Google have had to continually improve their algorithms for their search function more frequently, in order to ensure that users can easily access information on these devices. This has also had the effect on making the realm of SEO (natural search) more and more complex and, of course, increases the level of competition as serious marketers fight for optimal visibility on the first page.
“I Can’t Find My Ads on Google”
When investing in AdWords many businesses are keen to see if their ads are working. We set up our campaigns and make them live, suitably chuffed with ourselves. We open Google in another tab, type in a keyword breathe deep and hit enter fully expecting to be top of the page with the ad copy we wrote shining like the suitcase in Pulp Fiction. Instead we see our competitors and we are enraged!
The 5 Most Common AdWords Mistakes and How to Fix Them
The hair on the back of your neck bristles with anticipation, your fingertips are electrified, your breathing is deep and fast, your excitement barely contained as your legs shake knowing that this is the beginning of a new AdWords journey.
Your AdWords Manager – The Top Ten Qualities
One of the best things about your AdWords Manager is that they work for SponsoredLinX. This may come across as self serving, but it has to be said. As a company we are at the cutting edge of online marketing. Imagine a floor of intelligent and creative minds with expert knowledge of the AdWords system researching the latest products and sharing the latest innovations amongst each other with the goal of increasing their clients’ profit, in a variety of different industries. That’s SponsoredLinX.
These are the best bits of SponsoredLinX, and the results will show you that. Right now you’re here to find out if your AdWords Manager stacks up. So I’ll start again . . .