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The Golden Rule of SEO

Aligning your business goals with your digital marketing plan needn’t be the overly-complicated task many make it out to be. With online marketing, and especially when it comes to your website, if you can align this with Google’s purpose, the chances of the two of you becoming best buddies will soar!

Google’s mission statement states that, “Google’s mission is to organise the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”. As we become ever more used to our reliance on the internet, and even to an extent our reliance on Google, there clearly has to be a democratic way of listing the world’s information when people search for it. It is only one piece of the puzzle, but do not fear, as we will be covering it all in our ‘SEO Tips & Tricks’ Optimise Webinar.

But for those of you who need a quick refresh, what is SEO? Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is essentially a set of practices people, be it business owners to marketers, use and follow to have their information rank well, organically (not Pay-per-Click) in search engines, so that when people enter a search term in relation to the information someone wants to rank for, it can be easily accessible. Good SEO rankings for your business website provides a sense of stability and reliability for users, which means they are more likely to trust your business and your brand, even before a transaction takes place.

Google is always looking at the user experience, but in particular it’s now focusing on the user mobile experience and, this has a large part to do with why SEO is so important for your business. We have said it before and we’ll say it again; internet search is now mobile, fact. People use search via their mobile devices commonly to find a business, service or product within a close vicinity to where they are. SEO helps your business to rank in these listings.

In our upcoming ‘SEO Tips & Tricks’ Optimise Webinar, we dive into how you can coordinate a consistent approach which will work hand-in-hand with your website. For this to work, SponsoredLinX Founder and CEO, Ben Bradshaw, has a Golden Rule. He calls it the ‘GRGR Rule’. It stands for ‘Genuine Relevancy Gets Results’. Genuinely relevant information such as content, links and reviews on your website aligns your website with Google’s purpose.

Another brilliant way to stay relevant is to make sure that your content is topical! Google Trends takes a look at the most popular search queries the search engine giant experiences across various countries around the world. You can perform ‘trend’ searches through applying filters such as ‘country’, ‘time’, and which type of ‘web search’ (such as YouTube, Google Shopping, etc.) you want to apply. You can see from the example below, we wanted to see how the term ‘mobile responsive’ has been trending on Google in Australia.


Goog Trends example


You can see that since late 2012, there have been regular peaks in the search query’s popularity. This provides us here at SponsoredLinX with data as to when particular pieces of content are topical. It’s a very insightful tool and one any SME owner can use to the benefit of their business.

All of this research, all of the data that you collect; it all leads to making informed decisions because, at the end of the day, you don’t want to simply guess. SponsoredLinX Founder and CEO, Ben Bradshaw, has written a book called, ‘Don’t Guess’, and he takes this statement and applies it to every aspect of your business’s online marketing. It’s also something we have adopted here at SponsoredLinX, and you can be sure we never guess when it comes to online marketing.

You have most likely heard of the term ‘Google it’. The landscape for marketers and business owners around the world continues to change as we watch the giant search engine Google source and list the staggering amount of information which is now available to us. So how can you keep up with the hundreds of algorithm changes to ensure that the right people are finding your business? It seems like a daunting task at first, but it’s the exact reason why we are launching our ‘SEO Tips & Tricks’ Optimise Webinar this month. So ensure you register for the event which will launch on Wednesday 27th May, and in the meantime, if you have any queries about our SEO services, simply give us a call on 1300 859 600 or visit our website.