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Different Ways to Target your Display Campaign

Only Pay for what your Customers See!

Display ads are a fantastic online method for your marketing goals and they should never be ignored. They’re great for brand awareness, brand recognition, conversions and website traffic. If you make the decision to utilise Display Advertising, then there are a few different ways you can target them. Here are a few for you to consider.

  1. Placements

Take advantage of the power of Google to get your ads shown on some pretty good websites. Think big names like Gumtree, YouTube, and news sites. The big guys are there as well as the small guys.

Targeted placements allow you to show on specific URLs that you want to be on. So if you know the kinds of sites your customers frequent, this is the targeting option for you. Google has some pretty easy tools to utilise to search for specific placements.  These tools also give you an idea of the number of impressions you are likely to get from the placements chosen. This can be extremely powerful because you can tailor your ads to the websites people are on. Your ad relevancy is crucial to success here. For example, are you involved in event planning? You can have different ads shown on wedding websites versus live music websites.

  1. Keywords

Use keyword targeting to allow Google to find relevant sites on the Display Network.  Google uses these keywords as a broad match, targeting content on a page, not a specific query like the search network. The advantage here is it gets greater exposure, so if you aren’t aware of all the relevant sites for your chosen keywords, Google is! It also allows you to get in front of people that may not know about your product or service. Another advantage is you get to maintain exposure on keywords you may have low quality scores on within the search network. This allows you to take advantage of impression share, brand exposure and the low cost-per-click (CPC).

Target Illustration with doodle

  1. Interests 

This is a really interesting targeting option. If you’ve enabled display advertising features in your Universal Analytics account, you’re able to get some interesting data around the people who visit your site.  Google categorises users based on the sites they visit, so for example if I visit a lot of travel websites, they may classify me as a travel buff.  These are called affinity audiences. You can track the affinity audiences of your best quality traffic (i.e. the converters) and target other people whom Google classifies as being in that category too.

  1. Topics

Similar to the interests’ option, topics is based on the topics of sites rather than users.  Choose a topic like travel or music, and your ads will show on sites related to that topic. 

  1. Remarketing

Bring people back! With remarketing you are showing your display ads to a specific audience.  These could be visitors to your site, or non-converters, people who visited a specific page, or people that clicked on your emails – the list goes on. Choose the type of audience you want to target, get your list going and you have yourself your very own unique targeted campaign. Your audience and no one else’s!

  1. Demographics

Google is smart. Google knows about the people on the internet. Using Google’s demographic targeting means you can tailor your ads to specific genders, age groups and parental status.  Use this in conjunction with other targeting methods for best results.

  1. Geographic and Language

Don’t forget these standard campaign settings! Where do you want your ads to show? What language do your users speak? This cannot be ignored. Make sure you are relevant to your audience.

It has recently been reported by Google that 56% of display ads have never had a chance to be viewed because they were below the fold, or scrolled out of view in a background tab. However, the Google Display Network are about to make some changes which makes this statistic pretty well irrelevant. Soon, advertisers will only ever have to pay for an ad impression if it is viewed! Which means you will only pay for what you know has been seen. So now there really are no excuses for getting on-board with Display Advertising!

Start using Display Advertising on the Google Display Network today with SponsoredLinX. Contact us on 0800 004 672.