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7 Tips for Writing Great AdWords Ad Copy

Writing Good Ad Copy

Getting to know your Adwords and how to use it properly is only half the battle, when deciding to go forward with Adwords.

There are courses, books, videos and more to advise you on the best way to write our ad copy but my number one rule is to always: appeal to a searcher’s emotional side. Some may prefer to stick to the facts, keep it clear and clean, but simple human nature is to have thoughts and feelings about what they are searching for.

For example: Hiring a carpet cleaner – Is it safe for the dogs? Is he going to get rid of that weird smell?

See, while it’s not a hallmark moment you get the gist!

Emotive advertising is the direction advertising is taking, you can see it in big budget ad’s talking directly to the customer, and the reason is, it triggers a response from your potential client, so take it on board and use it!

Being different is the key, if standing out by being conversational with your potential client can be done – start establishing the relationship before you’ve even started talking to them.

On the logistical side, the function advice I can give you for ad copy for Adwords specifically is straight forward and simple:

  1. Make sure your grammar is correct, strong and clear. Remember you ad may run on one line (gold box) or in two lines under your title, punctuate appropriately.
  2. Make sure every word is capitalised. Google has recommended this style for writing as being far more successful for Click through and it defiantly looks more professional.
  3. Use a call to action in the ad: Call Now, Book Today, Find Out More, Call Us. Enticing a person to act is a strong tool, use it properly, don’t overdo it as you want one action – them to come to your site – from there we hope they find what they need!
  4. Don’t misrepresent yourself in the ad – don’t lie or embellish the truth, don’t put offers in your ad’s that have a confusing condition attached – people hate liars and if it’s too hard they will consciously not purchase from you on principle!
  5. Don’t put in everything you do, just a strong point to people to your website. These ads are just to get their attention; your website is what seals the deal!
  6. Work out what’s important to you: Calls? Clicks? Position of ad? Let’s assume calls are No 1: put your number in the ad!
  7. Ad copy, you need to look at trying to fit in your keywords or part thereof in the ad text. Put this in your Title and again in the body of the ad. This helps with positioning, relevancy, and Google likes to see it!

Last but not least – look at where your ad goes – make sure it directs the searcher to the relevant page on your site. As people want what you’ve told them about now – they don’t want to search through your site.

The next step you need to take is look at your site! It’s your shop on the internet; it’s how people first meet your business! This WILL be the make or break success of your Adwords campaign.