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Why You Need Facebook Ads to Rule Your Business World – The Plan of Attack

Everyone has a social media platform they prefer, but statistics and research shows that Facebook is the dominate channel. Most people within your business and social circles will have a Facebook profile. Some people have more than just one, particularly if they own a SME. Managing a Facebook Business profile is vastly different to managing your personal, social profile, largely due to the fact that each has very different agendas. Correctly managing your Business Facebook profile has clear advantages for those in the business world, such as a more professional look for your company’s ‘face’, the ability to delegate roles to suitably qualified employees within your business, better privacy protection, access to a unique type of advertising with a reach to millions and, quality data which you can use to effectively roll out your campaigns. These are just a few of the extra perks to owning a Facebook Business Account, and this blog has been written to specifically focus on the different types of advertising options you have on Facebook and why your business needs them.

Why Facebook Ads? There are a few key reasons, such that ads can be used in different ways to attract targeted traffic and engagement to your page and site. For example, you could be a personal trainer and you might be trying to expand your clientele base. If you spend some time brainstorming the potential customers you would like to target, and how you are going to target them, the ad you might use for men between the ages of 20 – 28 years would differ to the ad you might use for women between the ages of 30 – 40 years of age. Facebook ads allow you to easily advertise both ads at the same time, and you’ll know that each ad is being specifically targeted at the correct user.

Targeting can range from age, sex & location, to specific interests and life events, so you are by no means limited by who you want to target your ads at. Taking the Personal Trainer example again, you might decide to focus on a particular demographic such as women who have recently become engaged. For some of these women, they may have certain fitness goals they would like to achieve before their wedding date. Facebook, rather cleverly, allows you to target your ads at these women. The potential to reach new customers expands dramatically.

There isn’t just one ad type to use on Facebook either. Here is a list of some of the different ways you can advertise on the platform:

Like building ads – These are used to increase the audience on your page and draw attention to your business or brand. Tread carefully here as some SMEs ten to focus on this too heavily. At the end of the day ‘likes’ are just a number unless you pair this with a good content strategy.

Clicks to Website ads – This ad type is used to send traffic directly from Facebook to your website. If used correctly, they can be even more effective than Google AdWords ads. As an extra bonus, they even look prettier!

Conversion ads – When a special tracking ‘pixel’ is applied to a specific page on your site, Facebook’s ads platform will be able to not only tell you how many people are clicking through to your site, but also how many of those are converting or performing a desired task.

Mobile App ads – These are used to help drive traffic to app stores. On top of the usual targeting, these ads can be targeted to specific operating systems and devices.

Video ads – Facebook is pushing hard on Video ads at the moment and they are getting a better reach and engagement than picture posts. These can be used a number of different ways depending on the type of content you promote.

Page post ads – Instead of boosting your posts, these help you create an ad out of them with the same targeting as you would have in most of the other ad types.

Utilising Facebook Ads means you essentially get to choose your audience and, you don’t have to wait around for people to search for your keywords or site like with Google ads. On top of this, there are different ad types which means you can tailor the ads to suit your desired result, whether that be ROI, Traffic, engagement or, branding. You don’t want to be left behind either. Being socially and digitally engaged with your clients, potential and current, means your competition is probably doing it as well. If you aren’t, they’re getting noticed and you’re not.

One thing to keep in mind though is that with users on the internet and social media platforms like Facebook, we all suffer a little bit of an attention deficit and your Facebook Ads need to be managed with this in mind. Ads are not set and then forgotten about; they need to be managed to maximise effectiveness. So get in touch with us today at SponsoredLinX to find out more. We even have our next Optimise Webinar Series coming up in January, which will focus on Social Media. Ensure you register your interest here so you don’t miss out on the expert information we’ll be sharing.