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Social Selling – How to Use Social Media to Directly Generate Sales

So you’ve built a great Facebook page. You have a captive audience, growing numbers of likes and are achieving great results in the areas of branding and client interaction.  Now how do you take this amazing work and turn it into a lead generation tool?
There is no ‘one size fits all’ strategy that can be implemented to achieve leads and sales, however there are some basic actions you can take to start to generating new enquiries.

ECommerce shops

  • Create a custom tab/app for your eCommerce site on your Facebook page
  • Install Facebook’s Conversion Pixels and Google analytics goals & funnels to allow you to measure results
  • Identify your target demographic
  • Create weekly Call To Action posts/ads to drive traffic directly to your shop, ensuring you are targeting your demographics likes and interests
  • Offer Facebook specials, competitions and run flash sales to build hype and engagement


  • Create weekly Call To Action posts/ads targeting demographics, likes and interests that would relate to your service (i.e if you are a Chiropractor or Physiotherapist, target people who like sports, parents, manual labour workers etc).
  • Ensure your content provides some great tips and educational articles, and finish each post with a call to action
  • Ensure you are using client testimonials in a subtle way to demonstrate the results that can be achieved
  • Have a great landing page for your paid activities. This should include information on your service and contact information, including a contact form

It is important to ensure all your activities are designed to drive traffic to your website, capture leads or create sales.

For more information on how SponsoredLinX can help you drive sales through social media, contact your client manager or phone one of our consultants on 1300 859 600.