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Weapon of Choice: Conversion Tracking

As Google AdWords professionals, Client Managers work through mountains of data to correctly and efficiently structure each campaign. One of the most beneficial ways to effectively target an AdWords Campaign is through the installation of conversion tracking.

Conversion Tracking is not a new development within AdWords campaigns; however it is often a tool that is overlooked. What many people do not realise, is that by successfully installing conversion tracking into a campaign, you are enabled with the power to directly focus your budget towards keywords that convert into sales and leads.

Each keyword can then be evaluated and used within the campaign based on its ability to produce a return on investment (ROI). Therefore saving your excess spend on keywords that bring in ‘browsers’ or ‘window shoppers.’

Over time, solid data provided by Conversion Tracking will help to take any guess work out of Campaign Optimisation. A unique tracking code is generated through AdWords and simply needs to be installed within the final point of purchase, or enquiry on a website.

While these reporting capabilities have been useful in the development and optimisation of AdWords campaigns, there has always been an inability to track the effectiveness of Ad Extensions within a campaign. Client Managers have often installed Call Extensions, Sitelink Extensions and Location Extensions as additional methods to appeal to Google Searchers.

Up until 2 weeks ago, Conversion Tracking on Ad Extensions was not available. In an exciting new development, Google has expanded the Conversion Tracking to provide highly sought after data associated with Ad Extensions. This is a huge step forward in terms of reporting and targeting AdWords campaigns.

Not only are Client Managers now able to identify which Keywords are producing ROI within a campaign, they are now also able to prove the worth of the Ad Extensions.

Real and efficient data is the key to a successful AdWords campaign, if you have not already had conversion tracking installed in your campaign, your Client Manager would be happy to advise you on how to have this set up correctly.