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Bye-Bye to Google Ads on the Right-Hand Side

Google is doing away with right-hand side ads and the search engine marketing world is running around mad with the news. With immediate effect on a global scale, search marketers are now reeling with what this exactly means for them and for businesses. Concerns around the possibility of escalated cost-per-clicks (CPC) and organic search engine
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AdWords & SEO – A Match Made in Heaven

Quite often, when referring to Google AdWords and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) in the same sentence, the phrase which is used is ‘AdWords vs SEO’. The common misconception is often that it is one or the other, whether that be due to cost, flexibility or results is completely irrelevant. The simple fact is that you
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Boosting Your Remarketing Revenue

So, through your clever online marketing, you’ve noticed that traffic to your site has been growing in large numbers, but your sales or leads are not increasing. What’s happening? Looking into the analytics on your site, you can see that there is good site engagement and a low bounce rate, which would suggest you are
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Why Long-tail Keywords = High Value for your Business

The new black in the keyword world Long-tail keywords are becoming more frequently used, and working better for many businesses out there. If you’re not using long-tail keywords or at least planning to use them, then you should be. Long-tail keywords are the new black. But, before we get to ahead of ourselves, what is
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Constructing the Perfect Banner Ad

Create Ads People Want to Click! For as we have been surfing the web as we know it today, we have been doing so under a barrage of banner ads for almost everything we could possibly think of. From their humble beginnings in the early 90s banner ads are now in almost everything we do
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How to layer your marketing One of the modern classics in cinema has been, in my opinion, Inception. Let’s not worry about if you got it first time around or not, the key take away from the movie was that different levels of consciousness are contained with-in people. This has led to the catch phrase
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Online; the Place to Go When Looking for Plumbers

If you’re a Plumber who runs a small business, then figuring out the best method to market your business is now a little more complicated than what it used to be. Logic dictates that you should advertise in areas where your customers spend most of their time or in spaces where your customers might look
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Google AdWords Holiday Planning Must-Haves

The Christmas season for children is often a time of excitement and anticipation. On the other hand, Christmas for adults in business and in marketing can be a time of stress, flurry and potentially record breaking revenue. So how do you create one and avoid the other for your business this December? A solid, smart
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Surely YouTube and a Music App go hand-in-hand, right?!

So who wants to download a new music app by YouTube that doesn’t allow you to create your own playlists? *crickets chirping* hhmmm that’s what I thought. Last time I looked, Google had three different music platforms. They have YouTube Red, Google Play Music and Google Play Store. So when Google announced YouTube Music the
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Why Landing Pages are more of a Team Player than you might think

High converting landing pages are designed to focus on one thing and one thing only; they’re standalone webpages which are designed to receive online traffic with users’ who have a single intent, and your landing page is there to deliver. For this very reason they are used in conjunction with online traffic directed from Pay-per-Click
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