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Weekly Round Up: This Week in Australian Business

Weekly Round Up: This Week in Australian Business

Content Marketing for Healthcare Professionals

A recent study by Google found that over 65% of people turn to the Internet to answer questions and concerns about their health. Surprisingly this figure is much higher than those who actually consulted their physician at only 53%. These numbers demonstrate that there is a huge opportunity for practitioners to establish a relationship with prospective patients online – aiding confidence in the path to conversion.

Weekly Round Up: This Week in Australian Business

Weekly Round Up: This Week in Australian Business

Using Traditional Marketing Principles in a Digital World

Marketing used to be a simple affair. Business had limited options when it came to promoting their goods and services – namely print, radio and television. The introduction of the internet and it’s ever-growing popularity has opened up a whole host of new opportunities for business to reach their target audiences, opportunities that are fast becoming essential elements of a holistic marketing campaign.