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Top Tips For Using The Dimensions Tab

The dimensions tab in AdWords lets you slice up your data by the dimension of your choice over your account, campaigns or AdGroups.

You can split up your data to look at the following areas

  • Time (hour of day, day, day of week, week, month)
  • Conversions
  • Reach & Frequency
  • Labels
  • Destination URL
  • Geographic
  • User Locations
  • Search Terms
  • Automatic Placements
  • Free Clicks
  • Call Details

There are a couple of these options that I find the most useful for optimising an AdWords account and I regularly look at these within the dimensions tab.

Time: This is a great way to find out if there are certain times of the day, days of the week or days in the month that perform well for you.
If you find that you convert well on Mon-Thurs you can set a bid strategy to try and make the most of these days.
You might want to increase the budget on these days or increase bids to get a higher position.

The other thing you may want to do it is drop your bids on the lower performing days/hours.

You can either use advanced ad scheduling to control bids at times and days or set up some automated rules to manage this process so you can change the budget as well.

Geographic: I use this on a regular basis to see where my campaigns are performing well and then break them out into separate campaigns so I have more control over the campaign.
e.g. Sydney might convert very well with a certain bid/position but Perth doesn’t do as well using the same settings. I duplicate the campaign, change the location settings and then set separate bids for each location based on their performance.

Destination URL: This is a great one for quickly finding out which landing pages are converting well on your site. You can then dig deeper into your account and see if you can make changes to your destination URL’s or maybe even make some landing page changes using the data you received.