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ChatBots For Small Businesses: A Content Marketing Crash Course

Artificially intelligent ChatBots aren’t just for large Fortune 500 companies anymore. Thanks to technological enhancements and creative innovation, AI has enhanced customer service protocol and improved daily operations of small businesses across the globe. Providing you with the opportunity to save money, time and improve your business as a whole, why wouldn’t you get on board?

Still not convinced? We’ve provided some more information for your consideration when deciding to make the switch to AI.

A Chat What?

For those who don’t know, a ChatBot is a program used by businesses to stimulate communication with a person in a messenger format. With help from ever advancing artificial intelligence, ChatBots have the ability to understand what it is you’re saying and respond with the appropriate answer you are looking for.

Progress and advancements in artificial intelligence in regards to mobile communications have created an ideal opportunity for businesses to use ChatBots as an effective tool to encourage consumer interactions on a 24/7 basis.


Are ChatBots Really Necessary?

ChatBots have the ability to assist managers, HR administrators and support workers – solving many problems for businesses. They are a low-cost addition to your team and can be created to align with your brand’s communication processes and values.

With no additional costs to you or your business, you can reduce the need for live employees and use those funds and time in another aspect of your brand. Easy to use and contribute to your customer service by operating 24/7, they have been nothing but beneficial to SMEs across the globe.


Are There Different Types?

Depending on the services that you require, there are a variety of different ChatBots available to you. Firstly, there is a simple, tree-like ChatBot that only performs certain commands. This bot offers your customers lists with options to select from and display products to choose. Designed similarly to a tree, the more items they choose, the further along the branch they will move.  

Secondly, there are the new generation of ChatBots that understands and interprets conversation and is able to relay appropriate responses as a result. This bot can constantly be trained and does not respond according to a template. Through the development stages, these bots are programmed with protocols to recognise certain styles of text and voice.


Is It Better Than Email?

ChatBots are often compared to email marketing. As e-mail currently stands as the number one way for businesses to interact with their consumers on a more personal level, it’s easy to question which outlet is more effective.

Although email automation and personalisation have made it incredibly easy for potential or already existing subscribers to interact with a business, ChatBots provide an alternative platform for greater communication.


With more and more customers each day looking for ChatBots when they visit a business’ page, it’s time to make the change or risk being left behind. As an affordable and easy to use platform, why not take the opportunity to enhance your business as a whole and keep your consumers coming back.

Looking for more information on how you can improve your business’ customer service with AI ChatBots? Contact one of our industry specialists today at SponsoredLinX on 1300 859 600.